
Icicle Village Resort
The owners of the Icicle Village Resort have been wonderful patrons. You\’ll see ten or more of our finest murals there, along with several signs.
Rieke Building
The summer of 2016 was a busy one for Amanda and crew who worked on this master piece for over seven weeks.
Nutcracker Museum
There is a world class nutcracker museum in Leavenworth and many people walked by the front door without taking notice. Our aim was to change that.
We painted the wall around the front door, changed the wooden trim around the door and window, built a nutcracker sign bracket with a nice 3-D sign, created an impressive 3-D convex sign above the front door, and constructed a 6\’ tall concrete replica of an nutcracker from the 1500\’s.
We\’re proud of the outcome!
Biggest sign ever
This now takes the lead as the largest sign we\’ve ever painted. The Cascadian Fruit Shippers warehouse is located just South of Pybus Market in Wenatchee and is the oldest fruit warehouse in the area.
About a year after we refurbished this paint job, the North section of the warehouse caught on fire and so we were hired back to redo the work the following year all over again!